Elisabetta Rotolo at We Make Future 2024, Championing Human-Centred AI in Storytelling

MIAT’s CEO once again made a powerful presence at We Make Future (WMF24), Italy’s premier international trade exhibition and festival dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI, Tech, and Digital innovation. Following successful participation last year, Elisabetta returned to the global platform, actively engaging in shaping the future alongside industry leaders.

WMF24 provided a dynamic environment filled with insightful discussions and connections. The MIAT CEO took center stage on two occasions, delving into cutting-edge topics that are fundamentally reshaping the world of storytelling.

The first discussion, titled “AI and Cinema – Exploring the Intersection of Innovation and Filmmaking. Joined by esteemed colleagues from Fantomatica and the Cineteca di Bologna, the MIAT CEO explored the fascinating synergy between cinema and artificial intelligence.

The discussion highlighted how artificial intelligence in audiovisual production processes is revolutionising the industry. Elisabetta emphasised that AI, integrated into stories, should enhance and amplify human creativity, not replace it. This approach values human intelligence, keeping the focus on authentic content and storytelling. At MIAT, our approach aligns with this vision.

We prioritise human creativity and content, using AI as a tool to enhance and support the storytelling process and empower people to become Creative Directors with their Gen AI Assistants.

The following day, Elisabetta delivered a thought-provoking keynote speech titled “Empowering Change Through Immersive Storytelling.” This 40-minute exploration focused on the creation and implementation of immersive experiences that inspire individuals toward positive social action.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from MIAT as it continues to be a leader in innovation and creativity!

For more details, visit the official account WMF – We Make Future.