Valentino Catricalà

Valentino Catricalà
Contemporary Art Curator
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better"
Scholar and curator of contemporary art. He specialised in analysing the relationship of artists with technologies and the media. He is also director of the SODA Gallery in Manchester, lecturer at Mancheter Metropolitan University, director of the Art section of Maker Faire – The European Edition and art consultant for the Sony CS Lab in Paris. Valentino has also founded also director and founder of the Media Art Festival in Rome (MAXXI Museum) and has coordinated the Art programs of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. On these issues he is a research doctor at the University of Roma Tre, he was Part-Time Post Doc Research Fellow at the same University. He has curated exhibitions in important museums and international institutions including: Minnesota Street Project (San Francisco), Ermitage (St. Petersburg), Palazzo delle Esposizioni (Rome), MAXXI (Rome), Riso Museum (Palermo), Media Center (New York ), Stelline (Milan), Italian Cultural Institute Nuova Dheli (India), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), Ca ‘Foscari (Venice), Centrale Idrodinamica (Trieste), Centrale Montemartini Museum (Rome)
He is the author of several books, including Media Art books. Perspectives of the arts towards the 21st century. Stories, theories, preservation (Mimesis, 2016), Art and Technology In The Third Millennium (Electa, 2020) and The Artist as Inventor (Rowman & Littlefield, London 2021).